Become a Life Science Tennessee Sponsor
Support Tennessee’s life science industry today! When you become a sponsor of Life Science Tennessee, you
are recognized as a leader in our industry and a major supporter of LST’s mission to advance
and grow here. Revenues from sponsorships of LST are used to enhance the organization’s programs and
activities in four areas: Policy & Advocacy; Economic & Entrepreneur Development; Workforce Development;
and Programming & Events. Annual sponsorship levels include:
- Presenting sponsor recognition at all LST events
- Complimentary company membership for all employees
- Yearlong exposure on website
- Recognition as premium annual sponsor on all printed materials
- Logo/hyperlink on all newsletters and email blasts
- Opportunity for nomination on LST Board of Directors
- Sponsor recognition at all LST events
- Complimentary company membership for all employees
- Yearlong exposure on website
- Recognition as supporting annual sponsor on all printed materials
- Logo/hyperlink on all newsletters and email blasts
- Sponsorship of select LST events, including our annual conference, LSTCON
- Logo/hyperlink on all newsletters and email blasts
Legislative Sponsor
- Sponsorship for Day on the Hill and Day in D.C.